Hello, Everybody! :)

Hi, everybody! My name is Kat and I have a tortoise shell tabby kitten called Balina.
I LOVE horses and everything about them. I ride a horse named Wilma (A bay horse) at Sugarloaf Horse Center (One of the best stables in the world :D) but I also ride a horse called Snoopy (Chestnut horse)
This blog is all about...HORSES, RIDING, HORSES and STORIES OF HORSES and GREAT TIPS ON RIDING. But, you see the MADE UP STORIES with CHAPTERS (Horse Tales etc) are FAKE...I made them up!
Also, if YOU are a HORSE SLAUGHTERER, please, QUIT YOUR RIDICULOUS job!!! I HATE horse Slaughter more than anything!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Using-Your-Brain Weekly Horse Quiz!

The Using-Your-Brain Weekly Horse Quiz is to test your brain and your horse skills.  I only type up the Using-Your-Brain Weekly Horse Quiz every week-which is why it mentions weekly on the title. Which means, there will be one each week. (Every Sunday night)

Rules (Simple ones, don’t fret):

  • NO CHEATING! Someone’s watching you! Which basically means NO INTERNET CHECK!!!! I rest my case.
  • Don’t fret! If you don’t know a question, skip it-it’s alright or the best choice is to GUESS!! You’ll get 25% right, at least! :)

The reason why there is NO PRIZE is because I bet alot of people will intend to use the internet, anyway. By the way, if you want your answers checked, type them down on the comment box-scroll down then press ‘comment’ on one of my posts-Then, type your answers in!!

Horse riding ONLY 008 And the test…begins…

  1. Name three types of race horses:

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2. What is the most common color of a horse?

a) grey

b) strawberry roan


3. What do you call a horse with strange strip markings?


b) tiger horse

c) striped-unicorn

4. What do we call a special type of trousers that riders where when competing? (usually colored cream when competing)

a) jodhpurs

b) jeans

c) Just ordinary trousers

5)What special kind of tack which wraps around the horse’s belly?

a) reins

b) bridle path

c) girth

6) What is the correct term of ‘white’ horses?

a) dapple grey horses

b) cherry chestnuthtavc3iyem

c) grey

7) How do you make a horse canter?

a) Give them a big kick

b) Do nothing-the horses can read minds

c) whip the horse with crop or whip

8 (LAST QUESTION!)( Which horse’s color is like buttercup?

a) chestnut


c) strawberry roan


Scroll down on any of the posts-put this post in a new window (So you can type down the answers probably and easier) press ‘comments’ and write a new comment. Then, type your answers down then send it. I will get to you soon!! If you answer all the questions correctly, WELL DONE! (Remember, I have to MARK it FIRST-You don’t have to go INTERNET CHECKING!) 4zg3zbk5i7 Here are a few cool horsey pictures. At the end of each weekly quiz, I put on pictures from 'Glitter Fly’ some pictures maybe you’ve already seen on the side! (Hint hint!) ds90z3mr3p  


shire horsehtavc3iyem 4y2fk3n01z a6v7812riu

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