Cantering, trotting, walking and galloping…I got it ALL here for first-time riders.
Walking is one of the slowest of all horse movements. (Except for standing, thank God :) ) To make a horse or pony or donkey or unicorn or zebra or whatever horse species you are riding, just squeeze deeply (But not too deeply) in the saddle, and it’ll make the horse walk-make sure your reins are even Steven!!!!!
Trotting is faster than a walk, but slower than a canter. Just kick your legs slightly in the stirrups-but not too hard or you will confuse the horse into cantering or trotting
Some people might not know what cantering means-it is a three-beat pace from a horse. It is faster than a trot or walk, but slower than a gallop. Just kick deeply into the stirrups, like doing a trot but do it more with attitude so the horse knows you mean business.
Let me just say that if you are a first time rider, they won’t exactly let you gallop because galloping is what horses from the Melbourne Cup do. Again, just kick the horse in the stirrups, yank the reins and your on your way. Ik.
Well, I hope that answers your questions.
REMEMBER if you have ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT RIDING OR HORSES. please type your question in the comment box (Just click comments and there is a box to type your question/comment.) Thank you.
Seems like there are going to be 2 Posts today. This is the HOW-YOU-DO-IT thing and the next one, I guess is going to be a chapter post or something like that.
Bye for now! :) Kat
I'm not meaning to be rude, but your not supposed to 'kick deeply' when your going to perform a trot to canter transition.. your supposed to do the sitting trot, bring your outside leg behind the girth and then ask for a canter . Dont simply 'kick; your horse , first perform two-point position and then ask for a gallop .. and your not supposed to yank on the reins , it will hurt your horse's mouth as the bit will pinch his/hers tongue :P And if you kick hard to get your horse to trot it will not confuse it with cantering because as I said horses only canter as you to the sitting trot :) xx