Hello, people! Nice night, isn’t it? If you can’t see the words clearly, don’t worry! I’ll show it on the side bars! :D. Anyway, do YOU want to know how to make a miniature hobby horse? But I must warn you, this hobby horse is going to be awfully small. I’ll show you a Miniature Hobby Horse I made a couple of days ago…brb…..
OK. So let’s start off with the first step:
- A small horse doll. (Similar to shown above-ANY color, patterns etc)
- A piece of glasses cloth (DON’T use a glasses cloth if you need it often!!) or a piece of cloth (ANY color!)
- Scissors
- Sticky Tape
- Colored crayons or pencils
- Paper
OK, have you got all that? OK, so, here are the methods or steps:
Step 1:
Get the piece of cloth and place it on the horse’s back like a saddle pad. XD
The blue cloth is the saddle pad. Place it on the horse’s back. Then, use sticky tape to stick the ends to stay still.
Step 2:
The tack- Get the piece of paper and colored crayons or pencils etc. If you want your tack to be just plain white, you don’t need the colored crayons or pencils. Or if you have brown/gray/whatever color you want colored paper, you also don’t need the colored pencils or crayons. OK, so, we will start off with the bridle and bit-get the scissors. The bridle and bit is like shown on this photo. OK, before we start, IF you are using plain paper, and want it colored, color it before you start cutting.
Cut the paper into a really thin strip but not too thin. Then, measure it around the horses nose part and get sticky tape and secure it-make sure it’s not loose! You are not riding the horse, the doll is and we are pretty sure when the doll falls off, it won’t get injured.
Step 3:
The saddle is also important. Sketch a saddle-type shape on a piece of paper and color it whatever color you want it to be (brown, is the best, I guess) Then, cut it out with the scissors. After that, stick it with sticky tape on the saddle pad.
Step 4:
Fold another piece of paper in half. Then, on one side (one WHOLE side-back and front of a SINGLE half) sketch a piece of stirrups then color it in-if you don’t know what stirrups look like-here it is! But also draw the WHOLE line of stirrups. Once you are done, get the scissors ready and cut the outline of the stirrup of the paper half so you will end up with two stirrups! Next, attach the stirrups from the saddle-each stirrup dangling from each side!
Step Five
The girth is one of the most important aspects on a horse~ If you don’t get the girth tightened enough, you might lose your balance and fall off! The girth is a kind of tack tied around the horses belly. Some horses puff out when the girth is tightened! So, all you do for this small hobby horse is, get a piece of paper and scissors. Cut a small strip and color it-or do it the other way around. Then, stick it around the horses belly.
Step Six
Your DONE!!!!!!!!!! Hurray! You are done making your Miniature Hobby Horse! To make it more fabulous and fancy, put a doll or Littlest Pet Shop or something like that, on the horse like the doll’s riding it! Have fun with your hobby horse! ;D XD
Happy reading AND riding!!! xo, Kat
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