Hello, everybody! It’s been a while since I have post, hasn’t it?
Good news:
I am going to Sugarloaf Horse Center THIS Sunday!!!! Hurray!
Bad News:
School holidays are nearly up-that means I’ll only be allowed to go to the stables once a month :(…until next holidays start, of course :). Do you know what horse slaughter is?????? It’s murdering horses, of course!!! It’s very sad. There are some countries all around the world who sell and eat our beautiful creatures! If you think the horse’s meat is yum, you must be sick! Slaughtering happens to all animals-cats, dogs, wild animals, and even OUR DOMESTIC PETS also get slaughtered!!!!!
I don’t think there are Slaughter Houses in Australia, but I’m SURE there is in Europe-at the butcher shop! If you cannot see the words clearly on this picture, I’ll type it out here so you can see…
I want to be free…
but when slaughter stars…
I begin to worry…
what will the cruel people do to my foal?
stop horse slaughter now
end the pain!!!!
wishes, a going-to-be-killed mare
See what I mean? Horses are beautiful creatures…they are loving, just like the normal, caring human nature. But what a horse mainly dislikes is being eaten and slaughtered! I don’t see why they slaughter horses, especially since the people already slaughter the poor pigs (for pork), the poor cows (for beef) and the poor chickens, turkey…etc (Oh, and COW’S TOUNGE! Yuck! Why do people have to be SO revolting?)
I rest my case, but this is ridiculous. Who eats horse meat, anyway? They all have a desire for chicken! And there are horse auctions or markets, and guess what they put up? Something called: BUY OR THE HORSES DIE!!!!! That is just SO completely SAD!! And the silly people price the horse, something higher than a normal horse sale, like, $900, 000 and people just buy the horse because of that silly phrase, “BUY OR THE HORSES DIE!!!!” I think people are thinking minds so silly these days!
You run free, you STAY free. People aren’t getting the humane reason here! Horses are wonderful creatures…They are lovable…they are the best creatures in the WORLD! Well, maybe, for some people’s opinion.
Well, I take this phrase aback-If things happen terribly…who’s to blame? No one so just live the dream… I totally take it aback now! Some people just think animals are JUST ANIMALS, Which isn’t the whole truth. Animals AREN’T JUST ANIMALS, they are special…in fact, if I had been more wrong, I’d rather be an animal than a human! (Ha-ha…well, maybe) Animals try their best too, you know! We AREN’T the MOST HARD-WORKING creatures that, oh, thank God ever made! Animals try their best, as well! Horses- for instance, is hard-working! They train hard to race in the Melbourne Cups! They train hard to win competitions, the Olympics, the Nationals! In fact, they train so hard that it makes us humans NOTHING, when THEY train hard. When we do training/hard-work etc, we don’t feel LOT’S of pain, do we?? Well, we do…like when you are doing Aerobics or Yoga etc etc, but horses, let’s just say a jockey whips a horse ten times as hard to keep the horse going…some horses just lose it, and they rear and buck and all that but some horses just get MOVING!! It’s not fair!
Why does the POOR HORSES get SLAUGHTERED and WE DON’T??? I- don’t-think-it-is-fair-Horses do have feelings, exactly like us! Don’t be a killer and help the selfish, useless, dumb-brained horse slaughterers
!!!!! :( If you ENJOY horse slaughtering, you are SO completely, SAD and SICK!!!! Look at them pictures, and THINK about it! STOP WORSHIPPING the careless slaughterers!
SAVE THE LIVES OF BILLIONS OF HORSES!!!! But the problem is…HOW??? For one thing, I can complain serenely to the presidents of Europe about the stupid slaughtering. But, either way, it STILL won’t be a option. Let’s just say, your best friend, A HORSE YOU LOVE TO RIDE! Suddenly some stupid Slaughter House takes it away and YOU don’t do ANYTHING ABOUT IT- Your best friend- G-O-N-E! So, please, I wish to complain. But I WILL when I’m an adult. For now, I will pray everyday about it- when I see Slaughter Houses I shall complain to them…show them some pics I will print out…and if THAT won’t work, oh well! They’ll have to learn the HARD way. Which is to be doomed with the HORSE SPIRITS!!! (Spooky!!!!!) Anyway, if YOU support or work for the SLAUGHTER HOUSES, please quit your ridiculous, dumb-brained job! The money-almost NOTHING! The horses-a hundred tones!!!! The money YOU earn from slaughtering horses is just like garbage! Horses are worth millions of dollars when you buy them-and do YOU know why??? Cos’ they are YOUR BEST FRIEND! And they are getting SLAUGHTERED!
And, for a start, I wish all the Slaughter Houses will be SHUT DOWN FOREVER AND EVER!!!! It’s REALLY not fair! Even if you hate horses (I serenely say if you hate horses, you are really not into life’s choices!) you should be SURPPORTIVE! STOP HORSE SLAUGHTER, END THE PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I rest my case (ditto), but honestly, this is getting super-ridiculous. NO ONE can do anything about it. But for a change, it’s very, very pathetic. God didn’t make horses for us to KILL and EAT and DIGEST! He made them for us to enjoy horses!!!!!!!!!!!!! To ride them! To LOVE them! But honestly, I’m not very spiritually aware, but maybe God DID made them for us to eat…shiver…if he did I’ll start worshipping Buddha. Or Hinduism. And THANK GOD that the United Stats is close to BANNING HORSE SLAUGHTER! Hurray! It’s because they have SLAUGHTERED OVER 30,000 HORSES!!! And, I know the US and Australia people, they DON’T eat horses, they slaughter them and send them to Europe…STOP IT!!! Please, if you are working at the Slaughter House, whatever country you are in and you are KILLING them, and sending them to Asia and Europe. So, please, QUIT YOUR RIDICILOUS JOB!!!
Horses ain’t deserve all THIS pain!!! So, please…
END THE PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
(For the record, I am not some horse hating jerk. I am not with the "killers". I have a few horses, and I love them more than anything ;).)
ReplyDeleteBut I don't think you are looking at the big horse slaughter picture. Assume that all the slaughter houses were shut down, BILLIONS of horses were "saved". All that would happen is that there would be more horses dying slow, horrible deaths in the backyard of some Krazy Kolor breeder. I wish we lived in a perfect world where all horses could love long happy lives. WE don't. I propose more REGULATION on horse slaughter so it is more humane. So horses sent there wold die quick painless deaths. Those who love horses don't send them to slaughter, they are sold and make there way to slaughter if they are unlucky. I know that sounds mean, but Im only looking at it from a practical point of view.
THat aside, I love your blog! keep up the good work!