Hello, Everybody! :)

Hi, everybody! My name is Kat and I have a tortoise shell tabby kitten called Balina.
I LOVE horses and everything about them. I ride a horse named Wilma (A bay horse) at Sugarloaf Horse Center (One of the best stables in the world :D) but I also ride a horse called Snoopy (Chestnut horse)
This blog is all about...HORSES, RIDING, HORSES and STORIES OF HORSES and GREAT TIPS ON RIDING. But, you see the MADE UP STORIES with CHAPTERS (Horse Tales etc) are FAKE...I made them up!
Also, if YOU are a HORSE SLAUGHTERER, please, QUIT YOUR RIDICULOUS job!!! I HATE horse Slaughter more than anything!!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Pony Tales and Secrets

By Christine M. Wang

Naomi has just got a job of a groom at Mount Kept Stables! But then she realizes that being a groom and trying to be an equestrian horse rider are two very difficult things to handle at the same time!

Meanwhile, there is an International Cross-country Course at London! Though, only the best of the best riders can get chosen to get through…could Naomi survive through all the tests?

Chapter One

Naomi hunched her bag over her shoulder and walked through the Willow Hall Riding Center gates. It was a beautiful Saturday morning and Naomi was getting ready to Pony Club.
"Hey! Naomi!" shouted Naomi's best friend, Carrie shouted. Carrie was riding around the paddock with her pretty Friesian horse, Black Jack. Naomi grinned to see that Black Jack was looking over his shoulders, trying to take a nip of his old dressage saddle. Naomi quickly grabbed her riding helmet and waved to Carrie. "You should be really thinking about getting a new dressage saddle," she objected. Carrie shrugged and continued trotting Black Jack up and down the paddock. "Steady, boy," she cooed him as Black Jack started to shake his head furiously.

Naomi started to slip her helmet on when her riding instructor, Fiona came to greet with her. "Hello, Naomi. How are you?" she asked cheerfully. You can tell Fiona has been working out with sweat. She came to the stables at exactly six in the morning to train several horses. "I'm great, thanks. What horse shall I ride today?" Naomi thought that Fiona looked glamorous in tea green jodhpurs and buttoned tee-shirt with white laces and her blonde hair tied up in a high pony tail. Fiona went to the service desk near the kiosk. She looked at the list then frowned. "It said you were going to ride Jelly Bean," she started.

"Really?! That's excellent! I like riding Jelly Bean I've ridden him of like two times and I really miss him and-"

At mid-sentence, Fiona stopped her in tracks. "But you have been assisted to work at Mount Kept Stables for a fortnight. You will pack your bags and leave to Mount Kept at exactly eight," Fiona finished with a dramatic hump.

Naomi was more shocked then a magpie finding no blue pieces in their nest! Mount Kept was a famous racing, dressage and showjumping stable in the whole Australia! Naomi have always dreamt of working and riding there but today-just finding out that now when she really wanted to ride Jellybean was a huge surprise. Naomi swallowed the excited lump in her throat. "Really? Cool! Who's taking me?" she asked, excited, hearing the hoof noises and whinnies of the horses nearby the horse floats.

Fiona smiled. "I'm pretty sure your mum knows by now since I got a via. Email from her this morning about letting you go to Mount Kept to work for two weeks. You will get paid your salary which is fifty bucks a day. You will be working as a groom there," Fiona grinned as she saw Naomi jumping up and down. "Omigod this is fabulous news!" Naomi gasped. Then she fell to silence. "But Mount Kept is really far away, isn't it?" she whispered. Fiona nodded. "I'll be driving you there! You'll also get a chance to compete in the International Events which falls at the last day of the fortnight!" Naomi started to laugh. This was so much out of the blue! "That's excellent, Fiona but…The International Cross-Country Events are really…well…competitive and you know I don't really like events like this." Naomi mumbled with joy.

And if she wasn't quite right she saw her instructor flinch. Do instructors flinch like that? Thought Naomi silently. "What time is it?" Naomi opened her mouth before Fiona could.

"It's six thirty. Awfully early, I suppose. You should go have a hack on Jellybean for an hour and thirty minutes then pack your bags and leave Willow Hall Road and make our way to Mount Kept!" Fiona stated. But Naomi was just staring at the blonde-headed trainer with surprise. "But…"

"No buts! No stammers either! Off you go! I'll give you a whistle when it's time to pack!" Fiona gave Naomi a little push. Naomi couldn't believe it. It seemed like luck. No more than luck…happiness…it was…

"Naomi!" Carrie dismounted Black Jack and ran up to Naomi. "What's up?" Carrie asked, flipping her red hair back. Naomi gave Carrie a tiny smile but didn't say anything. She was just too shocked to. She just pushed her way out of Carrie's reach and started walking towards the horse floats to get Jellybean out and start tacking up. She was all in for luck.

Chapter Two

Naomi started trotting Jellybean all the way about the hill. The fine chestnut mare was about 16.1 hands Paint Horse who was excellent in dressage and trot. But Naomi thought that Jellybean needed to excel in a few other things. Once they got top of the hill after a never-ending trot, she patted Jellybeans mane and smiled. "So, boy? Are you ready for a nice cooling canter?" she cooed softly. Then, as if Jellybean could understand what Naomi was saying, the Paint horse started cantering down the hill like mad. When they got to the end of the hill, Naomi dismounted to have a drink from Jellybean's saddle bag. But instead, feeling the red lump in her throat she collapsed into a fit of sobs and hugged Jellybean's mean and started crying. "Jellybean!" she wept. "I'm going to miss you for two weeks!" Jellybean started to nuzzle and nicker in her dark hair as if to say, "Don't worry. We will see eachother again,"

Naomi wiped her eyes with her sleeve then check her watch. It was seven thirty. "We'd better be going boy," she whispered and mounted on the Paint horse and started to walk casually up the hill then down so they can reach the stables in time. During the way Naomi sighed. She wished she could bring Jellybean with her to Mount Kept. It would feel so good as them two will never part again. However, Naomi knew that her career as a professional rider was way more important than worrying about love between her and the horses. So she decided to suck it up and be the fourteen year old she really was! By the time Jellybean and Naomi reached the stables, Fiona was waiting for Naomi by the kiosk. She mouthed to Naomi as she dismounted, Hurry up! Naomi had no choice but to quickly take off her helmet and boots in her bag next to Fiona. And there was no time to say goodbye to Jellybean. Instead, Jellybean was taken aback by one of the head-grooms of Willow Hall Stables. Naomi gave a little wave to Jellybean as he trotted back into his horse float. Then she sighed as she got into Fiona's car. It was going to be a very long week without her precious Paint horse.

Chapter Three

"So, are you ready to start working at Mount Kept stables?" a woman with light ginger hair and a soft spot of freckles came out from the horse floats to greet Fiona. Before Naomi could request Fiona butted in. "Goodmorning Mrs. Jacques," Fiona greeted in a polite and strategic voice. "I'm Fiona Mascot. Remember me, madam? I competed against you in the Badminton trials a few years ago?" Fiona continued but the woman cut her off. "I'm sorry," she snapped briskly. "I'm Vivian Jacques. I suggest you call me Vivian or your 'star-rider' will lose her job once and of all!" then, Vivian Jacques stomped off to go to the stalls to see the horses in a huff. Naomi was surprised that the manager of Mount Kept was so…so…rude.

"Whoa," exclaimed Naomi, watching Vivian Jacques stomp back into the stables. "What's about with her?" Fiona sighed and started to explain quietly. "A few years ago I was competing in the Badminton trials. I was competing against Vivian, for my luck I beat her with my horse, Goldilocks at the water jumps. Vivian was furious! She wouldn't speak to me at all." The story went on about how Vivian was jealous of Fiona's raw talent. But finally they both separated after a few months to work at different stables. Naomi nodded after the story. It made sense. No wonder why Vivian was all in a huff when she saw Fiona. As far as Naomi could see, Vivian was now happily talking to another resident of Mount Kept and stroking a horse, gleefully. "C'mon Naomi," gestured Fiona. "Let's go register you in so you can get your salary,"

Naomi was officially confused and puzzled. "What? My salary? But I haven't even started working!" she stammered as they went to the queue. Fiona nodded, running her slim fingers in her long blonde hair. "It's because at Mount Kept, you get paid when you come to register the salary and then it just becomes normal," Fiona explained patiently. Naomi was shocked. "Whoa! That's really…strange?" she said nervously, just in case Vivian overheard, who was at the service desk, registering everyone in for the job. "There are a lot of people wanting to be a groom here," Naomi shivered. "It's going to be really fussy,"

"Nope," Fiona cut her off. "Some are here to register for a job and salary. But some are coming here to register to compete in the International Cross-country Contest next Friday!" Then, Naomi started goggling at her riding instructor. "So…then…what are we here to register?" she asked, terrified and faintly. Fiona gave Naomi a tiny smile. "We are registering you for your groom job-and your competition. Yes, Naomi-you are ready. Ready to compete in the International Cross-Country Event,"

Chapter Four

"Next!" snapped Vivian, thumping her black inky pen on the bamboo desk. Naomi felt homesick even though they are still in the same country and not overseas. Fiona walked casually up towards Vivian's desk while Naomi just slumped, shifting from foot-to-foot, and hands in her pink jacket pockets.

"Naomi Withers. Gash Number seven, please." Fiona told Vivian the details. Vivian frowned and stared at the computer screen for several minutes.

"He-llo?" Fiona gestured, tapping her foot lightly on the steel ground.

Vivian's frown went deeper. "Naomi Withers? Ha, ha! She's only fourteen-the first youngest rider to compete in the International Cross-Country Events. Are you sure she's ready, Fiona?" Vivian said darkly and coldly.

Fiona smoothed her hair back and gave Vivian a cold smile. "Thanks but maybe we didn't come here for Aunty Jacques Life-For-Time advice." Fiona stated through gritted teeth. For the first time the ginger-hair manager didn't bite back but got to work immendiantly. She gave Fiona the ticket and said, "Well Fiona Mascot. Good luck with Naomi Withers, fourteen eh?"

Fiona ignored Vivian and left the registration room and Naomi followed with discipline.

"So now I'm the youngest rider to compete?" Naomi asked when they went to the horse floats. Fiona nodded and went to a Dutch stall door to unlock it with the keys Vivian gave her.

"But Fiona, that's crazy! I can't compete with people that are, like two times older than me with more experience! This is insane!" Naomi shrieked dramatically. Though Fiona stopped Naomi's squeaks. "Naomi, you have to! The prize to the winner who wins this event gets $100, 000."

"And is that all you care about, Fiona? Money?" Naomi demanded with accusing eyes to her trainer.

"No, Naomi. It's more than that. Look, it's just that if you win this competition and get the prize money, if you were generous enough you probably would donate some money for Willow Hall Stables to make it a better place!" explained Fiona in a tense tone. Naomi scratched her head thoughtfully. "True, very true Fiona," she answered in a light voice. "Um, but we have a serious problem…" stated Naomi.

"I don't have a horse to ride in the competition! You see, without Jellybean I can't even do cross-country! Jellybean's dressage is so good, and his showjumping is getting there and he is so fast and sensible…" Naomi pattered on.

But Fiona had had it. "Hoi, Naomi," she put a hand up. "Enough about Jellybean. And since we are on the subject of horses, you can see that I am opening a stall of a mysterious horse that you might be riding for the event!" finally, she unlocked the Dutch stall and Naomi saw it. Her horse she will be riding for the next couple of weeks.

Chapter Five

The dark bay horse with a white strip down the forehead was about 15.3 hands tall and finely built except there were a few slumps over the shoulders. She had white stockings and she was merely pretty. But, as Naomi saw the way the mare was built, she started to object with Fiona.

"I refuse! I refuse!" yelled Naomi, stomping her foot each time she finished the word, 'refuse'. Fiona stopped stroking the mare's forehead and was shocked about how Naomi acted just then.

"Oh, Naomi-don't be silly! This horse is a strong and fine built mare. She has excelled showjumping and, look she even has white stockings on her legs! She's very fascinating and great with cross-country. She's been rated 3.5 stars when I searched online for the horses-you're lucky Naomi. Some of the other horses were rated 2 or 1 stars." Fiona fought back to the feral girl. Suddenly, Vivian Jacques came running into the stall, looking quite flushed.

"What on Earth is going on? Fiona Mascot?" Vivian glared at Fiona. Oh-o, thought Naomi. This ain't gonna be good. But Fiona wasn't defending by Vivian's rudeness. She was used to it. "Hello, Vivian. We will be in the arena in five minutes. Naomi will tack up and get ready to train before she starts working as a groom," Fiona said to the ginger-hair manager. Vivian shrugged and glared at Naomi. Then, heel first; she slumped away in a puff and huff, as usual. When she was gone, Fiona got quickly to work to console Naomi. "Naomi," she instructed. "Tack up this horse. You have to make sure that you get a cross-country saddle, bridle and bit. You must get the correct tack!" then, as if she never met Naomi, she walked out of the stall and gave Naomi a quick goodbye. "I'm going to get a drink. Promise I'll be back in an hour and by that time; you'll be working as a groom. Good luck in your first cross-country class at Mount Kept Stables!"

Chapter Six

Naomi found her mare's cross-country tack easily. Still, she was pretty pissed off that she didn't get a chance to know her horses' name. But she figured the mare was called Starvia-as it said at the end of the cross-country saddle. She tacked up as quickly as possible and mounted on Starvia and clucked her to the arena where all the other competitors were waiting. Naomi took a deep breath when she found out who the trainer was. It was Vivian Jacques.

"So today we are going to learn the basics of cross-country. Can someone tell me what the two basics of cross-country are?" Vivian asked stiffly. Hands shot up in air, people sitting still on their fidgitive horses, listening to Vivian's long speech about cross-country's "basics". Vivian chose Naomi's hand, since Naomi was the first to put up her hand.

"Dressage, jumping and racing?" Naomi mumbled the answer. Clearly, Vivian had lost it. "Speak up, young lady! Not even a giant could hear you!" Vivian snapped angrily. No one dared to even flinch on their saddles. Not even Naomi, who was the general target. Still, she didn't even dare to clear her throat. So she practically yelled to Vivian, "Dressage, jumping and racing!!" Of course, Vivian took that as a defendant compliment. She scowled at Naomi. "Correct-but incorrect. Racing isn't technically one. You need to have good gallop but it's not necessary. Now, since we are all competing against other riders from all around the world, who are talented, I want to get all of you perfect! So, Katie Plums please take Jimmy in the center of the arena and warm up and start jumping these fences. Now!" Vivian's voice is like a whip crack. Katie was a small, sparrow-like girl. She had pale skin and dark wavy hair and she was wearing cream jods and a shiny white riding helmet. Her hair was tied in a tight ponytail. She was looking nervous. Her horse, Jimmy was a strawberry roan Thoroughbred with fine white markings. Katie started to warm up Jimmy naturally, which Vivian got sick of.

"Hoi, Katie! Don't you dare do your version of warming up Jimmy! I want you to do MY version of the warm up! Don't collect him up! Use the whip!" Vivian screeched. Obediently, Katie lifted up her whip while Jimmy was in a collected trot and wham! The whip hit Jimmy harshly and Naomi could not believe it. As soon as that disaster struck, Jimmy went bonkers. He bolted and bolted and started to whinny. Vivian took hold of Jimmy's bit and thrust it in the thin air. All of the other riders were too terrified to move. Katie had slipped off her saddle.

Chapter Seven

"You foolish girl!" Vivian thwacked Katie's whip against her boot. "You didn't do it properly! You should've hit harder. You're worthless! I'm not sure why Avery let you in this International Cross-Country event when you are completely not ready!! Hmph!"

Katie was on the sandy ground and tears were flowing down her eyes. Vivian stood up against her and started to thwack Katie with a whip. How cruel! How inhumane to whip a girl with a cross-country crop when she has just fallen off a horse! Naomi thought, flinching in her saddle. Vivian was not only a rude trainer but a violent and inhumane one! After a few thwacks of Katie, Vivian started to huff. She helped Katie up and pushed her hard out of the arena with Jimmy. "Out you go! To the office! You know where it is! And take Jimmy back to his stall! Now! Shoo!" Vivian made signals with her hands. Once poor Katie and Jimmy were out, Vivian took her attention back to the rest of the class with five words: "Never disappoint me with that crap again." Everyone remained silence.

"Now, Naomi and Starvia, come in the middle of the arena and start warming Starvia up! Use the cross-country crop! Then, jump these fences! Now! Hurry up!" Vivian scowled. Once Naomi and Starvia were in the middle of the arena, Vivian started to scowl, "Let's see what you got, you teenager!"

At first Naomi was scared to do the warm-up since Vivian was very much bad tempered and had thwacked one of the riders with a crop! But Naomi knew that she had to think and be a good rider. She started to round the dark bay mare with long white stockings in the arena. She made Starvia trot around the arena. Then, after two laps she signaled Starvia to canter a figure eight. Naomi held her breath just in case Vivian started shouting at her to use the crop. But Vivian didn't. That was a good sign, Naomi thought as she finished galloping Starvia in circles. Once she finished the warm-up Vivian still remained silent, watching. The other riders were watching as well. She took a very short brief halt on Starvia then started cantering towards the first three short fences. It was no problem. Naomi had jumped short fences like these three before. Starvia seemed to jump like a complete superstar. It was terrific, as Naomi thought. After the first few fences, Vivian didn't say anything. She just gave a tiny nod at Naomi and clapped her on. "Go put Starvia back into his stall. You'll need a break. Plus, go check out on Katie. I'll call you when you need to come back," said Vivian in a cold tone. Naomi did as she said and rounded Starvia up to put back into her stall.

Chapter Eight

Naomi met Katie Plums at Mount Kept Stables office. Katie was looking quite depressed. Her face was ghostly and paler.

"Hey," Naomi smiled at Katie. The dark brown-hair and pale skinned girl was lying down on an uncomfortable-looking bed with a hospital sheet. The girl did not smile back. Ick, thought Naomi.

"I'm one of the worst riders Vivian has ever known," Katie sighed. She sat up from the bed and placed an ice-pack on her forehead. "Jimmy and I have worked so hard to get into the International Cross-country Events but now we don't have a chance," Katie's clipped English accent had fooled Naomi completely from the start. "Where do you come from?" Naomi sat down next to her on the look-a-like hospital bed with white hospital sheet covers.

"I'm come from England," Katie replied with no tense of change in her voice. Suddenly Naomi all knew where it were coming from…obviously…

"Well," Naomi smiled, standing up from the hospital look-a-like bed. "We'd better be going back to class. Vivian is now selecting the riders who can go through to the International Cross-country Event."

Chapter Nine

Naomi couldn't believe it! She made it in! She was going to compete in the International Cross-Country Event. She saw the list. It went:

Students Who Have Been Chosen to Compete in The International Cross-country Events:

1. Sam Cornfield

2. Elaine Dickinson

3. Kissy Tang

4. Naomi Withers

Naomi had noted proudly that since the list was in alphabetical order, Naomi's name came last. "At least I got in," Naomi was telling Fiona who just came back from the Milkshake Shop down the street. Fiona had brought over a mango, strawberry and banana milkshake for Naomi.

"Yep, and I'm really proud of you," said Fiona, slurping a mango milkshake. They were sitting down at a barbeque area that Mount Kept had bought for the land. "This barbeque area of Mount Kept is amazing. I'm going to stay here all afternoon," Naomi sighed.

"No, remember you have a job as a groom at Mount Kept Stables. If you want to take your career seriously you'd better sharpen up your act, Naomi. No more Disney Land or Barbie World or those pesky My Little Pony stunts." Fiona reminded her. Suddenly Naomi felt a sharp pang down her throat. Of course! She had forgotten all about her job as a groom! "Sorry Fiona, I forgot completely about my job! When do I start?" asked Naomi.

Fiona frowned. "Six o' clock in the morning tomorrow is your first shift to clean the stalls and muck out the horses. Then, you will finish your shift at exactly eight o' clock. You will have fifteen minutes break then at eight fifteen you'd better be ready for Vivian Jacques class." She explained.

Naomi opened her mouth to protest that the timetable she had been given was ridiculous but Fiona cut her off short.

"After Vivian Jacque's cross-country class which takes two hours it will be ten fifteen. You will have a short fifteen minute break which you will get to do whatever you like-take horses out for a hack, a trot etc. etc. then, after that fifteen minutes it will be eleven you'd better get back on the saddle for another Vivian Jacques cross-country class which takes two hours again. After those two hours it will be one o' clock you will have only four minutes of break then get back to mucking, washing, feeding and grooming the horses until five o'clock. After five you get to do anything you like. Get the routine and the math?" Fiona finally finished with a triumph look on her face.

Naomi groaned. The schedule was too much to think about. Maybe getting hired as a groom at Mount Kept was a really, really, really bad idea, thought Naomi. She slammed her milkshake down and protested to Fiona. "I need to go back to the motel," she said.

"Why of course," said Fiona.

Chapter Ten

She shifted through the gate. She had Starvia's stall key safely in her pocket. The first shift had been a disaster. The horses here at Mount Kept not only were feral, but completely insane when a groom is around! A pesky little pony called Pelvin had practically stomped on Naomi's foot with a big fat hoof when she was mucking out the manure Pelvin made. It had been horribly and pretty ugly sight. Now it was her second shift. Through Vivian's class she must say that she had done excellent with her new mare, Starvia. Starvia might look slumpy but she was certainly a good cross-country mare. Though, Katie was struggling. She didn't get in the International Cross-Country Event at all and even Vivian dissed her out at class. It was almost like, thought Naomi as she pushed the Dutch stall door open. That Vivian was talking behind a rider's back. While Naomi was curry-combing Starvia she started to think about the riders who are competing in the International Cross-country Events. Many were from different countries but Naomi tried not to think that. She decided to think about the ones in Vivian Jacques class. Sam Cornfield was a tall boy with red hair and freckles and pale green eyes. His pony, Kittishfifty was an excellent dapple grey Arabian stallion that always stood proud and trotted like a pro and jumped the fences with no mistake.

Elaine Dickinson was a girl that came from Ireland who had brunette hair and lovely blue eyes and tanned skin with her horse, Number Forty Five. It was a pretty strange name for a horse but today after Vivian's lesson Elaine and Naomi got caught up in a conversation.

"Why is your horse called Number Forty Five? It's quite strange if you ask me," Naomi had said briefly.

"I named him it because my lucky number is forty five plus, it just seems to suit him." Protested Elaine. Overall, Number Forty Five was a palomino Quarter Horse that was brilliant at galloping and racing. Though, the elegant dressage just did not seem to fit Number Forty Five. When Naomi was grooming Number Forty Five, he even tried to produce more and more manure even though Naomi just cleaned his stall! He even stamps his hooves on the poo! It was sickening sight and Naomi could've vomited but she had to clean his hooves again for the third time of the day.

Kissy Tang was Vietnamese and an Oxford-trained student. She was born in Australia but her family came from Vietnam. She came to Mount Kept to compete in the International Cross-Country Events. Like Naomi, she didn't have enough money to bring their own horses to Mount Kept so borrowed a school horse from Mount Kept: Mackerel. Mackerel was an 18.1 hands grey shire gelding. His racing was good but his jumps seem heavy and his dressage was far from, 'elegant'. And if Naomi couldn't be more wrong she had sworn that she saw Mackerel pooping in the dressage ring. So guess what? Since Naomi was the groom for that shift she had to clean it. Then Naomi thought Kissy and Mackerel could never win the International Cross-country Events.

Chapter Eleven

"Naomi! Wait up!"

It was a brisk clear morning and Naomi was having a trot with Starvia all over Mount Kept Stables trails. It was five o'clock in the morning and Naomi's shift started at seven. It was usually at six but since it was Saturday, she had to start her first shift at seven so the rest of the hours before Naomi wanted to keep to herself. Naomi spun around in her saddle but she didn't stop trotting. It was Kissy. Kissy Tang.

"Hey, Kissy." Said Naomi as Kissy catched up on her trot. Naomi put her head straight forward and concentrated more on her trot with Starvia than her greetings with Kissy.

"I overheard you yesterday. I mean, you were talking to Katie in the Rider's Lounge. You know Katie, right? Katie? Katie Plums?" Kissy said, making her shire gelding Mackerel keep up with Naomi.

"Yeah I do know Katie," answered Naomi thoughtlessly.

"Yeah? Well I heard you two talking about me in the Rider's Lounge. You said to her that it's okay if she didn't get in the International Cross-country Event since you didn't think I would win it either, since Mackerel is so not good." Exclaimed Kissy, still calm. Naomi made Starvia slow down into a walk and so did Kissy and Mackerel. It's like playing the game 'Copy Cat', thought Naomi. Except the game of Kissy and I's 'Copy Cat' version is on horses.

"Yeah? Well, it's true, you know. I mean, look at Mackerel. Look at his dressage. It stinks. Plus, he's so fat and heavy you don't even know…" explained Naomi confidently, still slowing down the walk on Starvia.

"That I don't even know what?" Kissy pulled Mackerel down into a halt but not Naomi. Kissy was really upset. Though it wasn't Naomi's time to care for her. She kept making Starvia to walk over to the bush-lands. Naomi didn't look back. She just answered stiffly, "You don't even know he is such a loser horse. A fat one. I don't know why Vivian even let you in the International Cross-country Events when you're riding a horse that weighs, like, a hundred pounds. And believe me I know because I'm a groom I took care of Mackerel hundreds of times this week, Kissy. Sorry Kissy you're just no good like your horse." Naomi ended her long paragraph with a triumph kick against Starvia's rib to make her canter over to the grasslands. The sounds only drained down of Kissy's cries.

Chapter Twelve

Back at Mount Kept Stables was a usual busy. There was no time for talk or even gossip. Vivian was a strict trainer and there was no fooling around at all.

"Sam! Make Kittishfifty move faster in his trot! C'mon!"

"Elaina! Watch that bogey-fence over there! The cross-country trials are going to have, it believe me!"

"Kissy, Mackerel's dressage is disgraceful! Shape him up!"

"Naomi! Don't get nervous and don't stress! When you get nervous or stress, the horse will connect with you and you might be flying off the saddle!!"

Days have gone by and finally, it was the day of the International Cross-Country Events.

Chapter Thirteen

"Good luck, Naomi!" whispered Katie and Fiona as they watch Naomi mount on Starvia. The day had finally arrived and Naomi was stressing. She was too scared. The bogey-fence-a two meter fence (It was taller than her!!) blocked with flowers and more was lying after three jumps of easy fences. Naomi never had aced that fence during practice. But she knew she could do it with Starvia to ride. Naomi got in line. She was wearing bright cream jodhpurs and a tea green buttoned collar shirt and a black riding helmet. She had a number pined on the back of her shirt which wrote: 4 because Naomi was the fourth rider to compete! She knew that there were many other riders from different countries so it didn't really matter what number she wore since they would be all riding together. Naomi scanned through the crowd of riders on horses. There were people from Germany, France, England, Ireland, China, Russia and Israel and many more countries came here to compete. To get their hands on the $100, 000 grand slam prize money.

"Ready…" the steward hollered through the noisy quarrel-like through the crowd.



The crowd cheered and the riders all kicked on their horses, urging them to get to the first few fences. Naomi kicked and kicked on Starvia. She dared not to use the crop. Not until the bogey-fence arrived. Naomi did the first few fences quite well until there was a water-jump. Naomi's stomach tightened. They had never practiced water-jumps in Vivian's classes! There were loads of people ahead of her and behind her. She was surprised that one rider ahead of her was Kissy. She and Mackerel aced all of the water-jumps. Naomi, on the other hand had to stumble and actually whip Starvia to get the water-jumps clear. Now Naomi felt sick with guilt. Not only, but she went through Vivian's routine in her head. Heels down, backs straight, crops high. Don't get nervous! If you stress or get nervous the horse will sense it a go bonkers! More and more jumps were coming through. How long did the showjumping circuit go for? More jumps were coming through!! Naomi dare not to sigh. She was focused. She was so focused she didn't even realized that she was ahead of all the riders! Finally, the showjumping circuit was over and the dressage one came. All the riders pulled their horses into a walk to get some breath. Naomi saw that she was ahead of all of them! Wow! Amazing!

"Naomi Withers first place in the showjumping circuit. Mary Ma second place in the showjumping circuit. Jilling Wang third place in the showjumping circuit." The steward spoke into the microphone. The crowd cheered.

Dressage was next and it started. Naomi thought it was going quite well. Starvia was trotting really excellent. She was glad she had practiced trotting on the trails yesterday and galloping the day before. It had finally brung Starvia to her senses.

"Hayley Thomas first place in the dressage circuit. Kissy Tang second place in the dressage circuit. Lola Dung third place in the dressage circuit," the steward spoke into the microphone.

Naomi took her breath and looked around. She had come 5th in the dressage circuit. She was surprised Kissy came second. Suddenly, remembering how she hurt Kissy's feelings the other day made Naomi feel guilty and terribly wrong. But there was no time to think. The racing circuit was up!

The racing circuit had started and all horses were galloping their hearts out. Naomi wasn't whipping Starvia until they had to technically sprint to the finish line. It kept going. Suddenly, Naomi felt a push on her shoulder. She looked to her right and it was Kissy Tang! Kissy had just tried to push Naomi off Starvia! "Hey!!" Naomi grumbled, still trying to keep her balance. Kissy ignored her and tried to push Naomi again off the saddle. Naomi tried to make Starvia gallop to the other side but another rider was next to her. She was trapped by to horses and riders. Again, Kissy pushed Naomi. But this time hard. Very hard. Naomi started slipping off her saddle. It somehow felt like her stirrup was lose but it wasn't. Lucky it wasn't! Naomi's foot was still secure in the stirrups so she swung back up on the saddle. Kissy and many other riders were ahead of her! Naomi didn't look back if she was the last one. She kicked and kicked Starvia and even whipped her a little. Starvia galloped forward, puffing. After that it was all over.

The results of the International Cross-Country Event was hanging up on the green boards. Everyone was allowed to look at it. Loads of people were pushing to see their names. Naomi saw her name…first!

"Omigod! I won! Fiona! Mum! Katie! Vivian! I won! I won the prize money, didn't I?" shrieked Naomi. She was so happy, she could hardly breathe! She had won! She had won $100, 000 dollars. Looking through the other riders from Vivian Jacque's class, Sam came 16th, Elaine came 13thand Kissy, surprisingly came 7th. Quickly, Naomi pushed through the crowd. Not to find Fiona. Or Mum. Or Katie. Or even Vivian. Kissy.

"Kissy!" called Naomi. Kissy grouched. Kissy was over near the toilets, possibly waiting for someone.

"I'm really, really sorry I hurt your feelings that day! Please, I didn't mean it! I was just….so mean! Please, please forgive me!" she begged Kissy. For a spilt second she even thought about going down on her knees and begging.

Kissy nodded. "I forgive you. Can you forgive me for pushing you off your saddle during the race?" she asked. Naomi nodded. "Yep! So friends?"

Kissy reached out to hug her. "Friends forever!"











Saturday, June 11, 2011

12th/06/2011 Sugarloaf Horse Center

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a lovely day! Today is Sunday but yesterday, I went to Sugarloaf Horse Center and rode Yogi again! Here are some pics:

Sugarloaf Horse Center FOREVER 007

Sugarloaf Horse Center FOREVER 003

Sugarloaf Horse Center FOREVER 010 Sugarloaf Horse Center FOREVER 020

Now I have ridden Yogi three times! Because mainly I swap to different horses. But it’s great to see Yogi again. He’s my favorite horse, after Hazel. 

Friday, June 3, 2011


Hello everybody! Welcome to Horsey-Stuff-For-Girls! It is 4th/06/2011 and it’s been a fast year already! As you know, I love horses!!! Today, I’m going to write about how my life REALLY works like…

Today I’ve got to…

1. Practice a dollop of piano pieces

2. Do some Mathletics Work and Braintastic, maths, English and Spellodrome

3. Do at least 30 minutes of Wii

4. Write Stuff

Now, that’s kind of a busy day! But TOMORROW, guess what?!?!?!  I’m going to Sugarloaf Horse Center!!!! It’s a great riding place EVER since Scenic Hills closed down that’s poo. horse 074 This is a picture of the last time I went to Sugarloaf. I’m the girl with the red checkered shirt and I’m on the bay colored horse with a BLUE saddle. The white horse is called Polly and my horse is called Yogi. My friend, Livy came riding with me on that day. She’s behind Polly. And she was riding Blaze…Blaze is a bit of a S-L-O-W horse. A slug. But he IS good for beginner riders.

horse 194   This is me and Blaze. He looks nice. I like the color of his coat and mane!

horse 008 Me and Hazel!! Look at Hazel he looks so cute. He’s a great horse. I’m hoping to ride him again tomorrow…

horse 231 This is a REAL horse from Sugarloaf Horse Center. Not stolen from the Internet and not hacked, either. This was generally and simply taken at Sugarloaf. The Horse With A Name But I Don’t Know His Name!

OK I’m pretty busy today and My Mum is talking on the phone so I’m going to have to go now!
Bye people,

and see you all soon…


^_^*~~K.A.T ^_^ **~~

horse 240

horse 015

horse 062

horse 078 


!*!*!CARLY ADDERS!*!*!* & ()R()O()Y() HILLS** &  ^_^*~~K.A.T ^_^ **~~

Feel Free To Contact Me For More Information about Horses, Cats, dogs and cats and horses :)


Fun Horsey Videos:

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Friday, May 20, 2011

The Last Chance

The Last Chance

“They never made it!” Jeannie whined. She threw her hands in the air and grunted in frustration. Katy had landed in hospital and Mystical Blue was at the farrier vet. “Chill out, Jeannie…maybe Cassie and Boudicca could do better…” excluded the steward unsurely.

Winning is everything. In every battle, fight and game there is always Winner, and always a loser.

Katy loves horses and is willing to win an upcoming cross-country event that means big training time with dressage, racing and show-jumping. She has one of the best of the best horses, Mystical Blue, a light grey gelding that is a couple years old. But…something is going W R O N G! Cassie, a rich snobby and spoilt girl who goes riding at Willow Hall Stables with Katy, has poisoned Mystic’s food! On the day of the event, Katy ends up in hospital with a broken leg and Mystic stayed at the farrier vet after a really bad fall…What will it all mush up to? Will this be Katy’s final chance to ride Mystic again? Or will it be goodbye…?

Chapter One

“Number 335? 335? Please enter the arena.” The steward remarked. Katy took a deep breath and clucked Mystic on. She had watched her arch enemy plus rival, Cassie and Boudicca who did a stunning performance in the show ring. Katy thought that she and Mystic would never beat it. The light grey gelding snorted and pawed and just wouldn’t obey Katy as she kicked him. “C’mon, Mystic!” she urged him quietly. “The steward is waiting!”

“Number 335, please enter the arena immendiantly. Thank you,” the steward repeated, but now with a frown on his face. Finally, Katy had gotten out her whip-though she had no intention to whip her own horse but, as that; Mystic obeyed and moved forward toward the show-jumping ring. The jumps were all at least higher than eighty centimeters. There were twelve fence jumps. Okay, this is it, thought Katy as she and Mystic warmed up. Time to show out how good you are, she kept thinking this over and over in her mind. The steward nodded at her. “When you’re ready,” he said with a wink. Katy rounded Mystic up towards the first fence-which was about eighty five centimeters tall. She lifted her bum off the saddle as she urged Mystic into a canter. Soon, they were very close to the fence. And jumped.

“Good work, Katy!” Jade, Willow Hall’s senior’s riding instructor pointed out with a smile. All of the riders were watching from the paddock fence, leaning over either clapping or smiling or winking at Katy. Though, not everyone. There, was Cassie. The rich, spoilt girl, scowling at her rudely. Though that didn’t let Katy decrease her good mood as she dismounted her champion gelding. She knew she was the best of the best but sometimes it’s horrid how Cassie and Boudicca get in the way. Boudicca was the redheaded girl’s horse. Boudicca was a beautiful rich dark bay colored horse with the sweetest eyes. Her dressage and trotting were amazing. Boudicca was the richest horse in the barn. She matched Cassie exactly; Cassie had shiny, wavy red hair and sweet green eyes but she could be a viper. Boudicca; Sweet-looking and charming-looking but inside a nasty, feisty dressage horse. Well, that is what at least Katy thinks. “Number 98, please enter the arena. Number 98,” the steward finally called out the next number. Katy’s best friend, Lucinda entered the arena with her horse, Midnight. Katy was leading Mystic to the Pasture-after all, Katy wasn’t really bothered to get some feed from the feed bins! When she finished leaving Mystic in the Pasture, she went over to the arena and leaned over the fence and smiled. Her friend, Lucinda had black hair and light blue eyes and a kind manner that matched her horse, Midnight’s personality. The black stallion was gentle and caring. He wasn’t a very good ‘showing’ horse-after all, his jumps are like an elephant! His dressage is messy and very untidy! His gallop and canter are slow! That is what Katy thought. Each horse had their disadvangtes. When Midnight and Lucinda entered the arena, they started a two-minute warm-up the steward had given them and Katy was leaning over the paddock fence, gazing ahead at Midnight, smiling a little. They could never make it to the Grand Pix. “Hey, Katy!” it was Jade, her riding instructor. Jade tapped Katy on the shoulder and smiled. “Katy-you and Mystic were perfect at those jumps. Well done!” Jade congratulated her warmly. Katy lightly smiled. “Well, Mystic is trained and was trained and he was the best horse.” She said, hoping she didn’t sound bratty. Behind her, she felt Cassie snicker madly. “Mystic isn’t the BEST horse!” a voice hissed behind Katy. “Boudicca is!”

Chapter Two

Trying to explain something logical to Cassie, the bratty viper was a pain. “You see, Cassie, my mother told me there is nothing wrong about bragging about my talents. It’s bragging about other people’s talent’s is wrong!” she exclaimed calmly when they were back in the stables. Cassie took her riding helmet off and placed it furiously on the rack shelves. Then, she turned to Katy-who was fixing up her blonde hair in a bun. “All you talk about is Mystic! Mystic! Mystic! Mystic! Well, no one really cares about Mystical Blue, eh? Fancy that showing him off and the Grand Pix!” sneered Cassie angrily, her red hair was all out and messier than ever. Out in the arena, Cassie and Boudicca did an intense jump on the one meter fence which made Cassie fly out of her saddle and Boudicca rear and buck and go mad.

(This is Cassie and her horse, Boudicca when they had their fall.)

Katy sighed and got changed from her riding boots to her comfy flip-flops. Though she kept on her jodhpurs. She fished out two cold drink bottles she bought from the kiosk café earlier this morning. She took a sip from one bottle then offered the other bottle to Cassie, who was scowling and glaring at Katy silently. “No.” Cassie said firmly, making a shooing motion with her hands. “I am not interested in getting bloated,” scowled Cassie, flipping her red hair as if to say, I’m the best!

“Well, me too,” said Katy gently, out-fishing the bottles back inside her sports bag. She heeled her bag over the shoulders and smiled thinly at Cassie, who was glaring but thank goodness, not scowling. “Well, it was nice talking to you, Cassandra Smith. It was quite an experience as well. See you tomorrow,” Katy continued calmly as she could muster. It was not hard. She was calm. She wasn’t scared of Cassie, the scowling queen anymore like two years ago in junior lessons. When Katy left the stables, she went over to Pasture, to say goodbye to Mystic. He was eating some grass. “Hey, boy,” giggled Katy as she reached forward and tried to pat him. “You were a great horse today! Hope we get in the Grand Pix. You are such a great horse, you know. See you tomorrow in the trail rides!” Then, she left the Pasture and went to the arena. It was almost finished. Her best friend, Lucinda did a pretty damn bad job; at least that’s what Katy thinks. “Hi Katy!!” Lucinda was cooling Midnight down outside of the arena. “Sup’?” said Katy cheerfully. Then she glanced up at Midnight ignorantly. “How was your Grand Pix try outs?” she asked curiously and causally. Lucinda’s blue eyes looked up from tightening Midnight’s girth. “Good,” she said softly. Then she went back to Midnight’s tack. Katy eyed Lucinda and her horse suspiciously. “Okay. That’s nice,” Katy said stubbornly. Almost, annoyed-slightly. Katy then walked out of the arena and into the car park. Her dad’s car was waiting for her. She could hardly wait till tomorrow-where they will find out who got in the Grand Pix!

Chapter Three

“Katy! Phone call for you!”

It was five in the evening after the Grand Pix try outs and Katy was at home, in her bedroom, doing her homework. Katy’s mother went into Katy’s bedroom and handed her the phone. “I think it’s Lucinda.” And she left to the kitchen. Katy picked up the phone. “Hey Lucinda…” she started off. Lucinda said over the phone, “Hi! Um, you know…about the Grand Pix, Ur, you know, you and Mystic are really competitive. In the arena, after you left, lots of riders and teachers and parents were saying how good Mystic and you are.” Said Lucinda. Katy rolled her eyes in delight. She just knew she was the best riders!

“Of course Mystic and I are! We are a team; plus we look out for eachother. Whereas other horses such as Midnight and Boudicca and…Kissy…are all just a bunch of rubbish horses whereas that can never be Grand Pix winners! Heh, heh. Isn’t that funny?” Katy spat gleefully. There was a huge pause between the ends of phone line. “Katy, my mother told me if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all,” Lucinda said softly and quietly. Katy found herself pausing as well. “Hm. Well, what I am saying is practically true. You know, I am sixteen years old right now and I have been riding since I was ten years old! You and Cassie and most the other riders like Lisa and Steven and Carly are younger than me by two or one years plus I have been riding longer than any of yous! You know…”

“No, I don’t know,” whispered Lucinda quietly on the other line of the phone. Katy sniggered slightly but she prevented herself not to exactly snigger. “Okay, well I’ll catch up on you later, Lucy! I got tones of homework and stuff. See ya tomorrow morning at the stables!” Katy said with one single breathe.

“So, Katy! Nice to see you again!” Jade smiled at Katy as Katy racked her sports riding bag on the racks and she took her helmet and a pair of riding boots. She placed her hair in a neat straight, one-way plait today. She tied green checkered ribbons as well. “You can go hop on Ditzy, one of the school ponies in advance. Brooke is leading the trail ride! Mystic is still in the Pasture just to let you know. And also, I sent an email to your mother saying that Mystic’s farrier and vet is almost overdue. Read it tonight!” Jade added, sitting down behind the office.

(This is Ditzy-the children’s trail ride mares.)

“Okay,” said Katy in a hurry. She quickly went outside to mount on Ditzy-the fine chestnut Arabian mare, rarely used in lessons usually trail rides. As she mounted, she wondered where Lucinda was. Katy had a feeling deep down inside her that she had hurt Lucinda’s feelings somehow last night but she gratefully ignored it. Why should I be humble to anyone at all? Growled Katy in her mind. I am not humble and I always NOT be! She added silently, watching Lucinda come out of her parents’ horse truck at the drive way as Katy mounted on to Ditzy. When she was on Ditzys’ back, she glanced over at Lucinda, who was mounting up Midnight, the black shire out of the horse truck. As she and Midnight trotted to the starting line towards the trails, Katy flinched a bit down her saddle. What will her best friend have to say about how Katy acted last night? Stop being humble, stop being humble! Thought Katy in her mind. She stayed deep in Ditzy’s saddle as Ditzy ate the green grass. She kept her mind thinking straight ahead. Lucinda’s horse, Midnight came over at Ditzy’s side to share the green grass. “Move your horse!” grumbled Katy angrily; trying to pull on Ditzy’s reins tightly from stopping the two horses’ head’s crashing into eachother as they ate grass. Lucinda gave one sad look at Katy; who was staring ahead in the stables then Lucinda quickly said, “Sorry,” very, very quietly and softly. Then, she pulled Midnight to the other side of the grass. The two pairs were separated.

Chapter Four

After the one hour, half of Katy wanted to go and throw Lucinda at her mercy but the other half just wanted to be proud and un-humble. All through the trail ride, Lucinda had ignored her. When Ditzy trotted side-by-side with Midnight, Lucinda’s horse, Lucinda will force Midnight to canter forward, even though they weren’t allowed to canter with the younger first-time riders. Half of Katy feels horrible. But the other half just feels like, I don’t care! Whatever which side Katy feels like is correct, she doesn’t know. When Katy went home, she caught the bus. She didn’t say goodbye or hello to Lucinda today. And she felt horrid about it. But Katy did know she was one of the best riders! In fact, she thinks that she is the best rider! Today snobby little Cassie didn’t come because she was on vacation with her family in France. That was, at least one good thing that happened at the stables, Katy should think. It was Sunday. When Katy went home, she plopped herself on her bed, still in her jodhpurs and tee green tee shirt. As she plopped herself on her bed, she sobbed and dug her head in a pillow. Lucinda wasn’t her friend anymore, the Grand Pix day was coming closer and closer and, she was in for a nasty surprise and she doesn’t even know it…

Chapter Five

On Saturday, it was the day of the Grand Pix. Mystic was still in his Pasture. Katy pulled her jodhpurs more up to get comfortable. Then, she combed her hair neatly and tied it in a low pony tail. After that, she decided to wear a checkered red buttoned-up tee shirt. She looked at herself in the mirror. Today’s the day, she thought with a sly smile. Today’s the day to show off what I have! She hoped Mystic was warmed up and have been fed oats by the stable hands, thought Katy grimly. She hated to see Mystic want something and not get it. When Katy was back in the stables, she saw Lucinda and snobby, greedy, sly, stupid Cassie sharing sweets and candy! “Well, this is cozy! So sorry to interrupt!” Katy grumbled and whipped her riding crop on her boot. “We just got here!” Lucinda cried as Katy stomped out of the door.

When Katy reached the Pasture fence to get Mystic out and tack him up, she was so angry! And most of all, embarrassed. Seeing her best friend that she became ex-friends with just yesterday have a few candies and sweets with her arch-enemy was sickening feeling of: embarrassment. “Hiya Katy!” she heard Jade’s cheerful voice behind her as she unlocked the paddock fence. Katy spans around and smiled through her gritted teeth. The air morning was nice and cool. The sky was clear blue, no clouds, except for a bit and the morning breeze was cool. The Grand Pix started at eleven thirty and it was only seven o’ clock now but Katy wanted to get ready. “Hello, Jade. I’m just taking Mystic out from the paddock to get ready. Even though it is awfully early. You know…I just want to practice over a few jumps and stuff. Get his tack ready,” Katy explained to her black haired trainer. Jade nodded. “Yep, you should, you know! The Grand Pix is a huge mid-term event! Well, I got lots of paperwork to be done. Good luck, Katy!” Jade said with a soothing smile then she skipped back to the office. Katy gave a tight smile and then pulled Mystic on his lead rope. She tightened his lead rope along a fence then walked back into the Tack Room to get his saddle tack. She was still angry at Lucinda for ditching her like that! When Katy walked into the tack room, she saw Lucinda in there, getting out Midnight’s tack. Katy tried to be as quiet as possible to get her tack but Lucinda; even though Midnight’s tack was at the other side of the room, had the ears of a bat.

“I don’t get it,” Lucinda said quietly as she reached out to grab a container of saddle soap. “I just don’t get why you are so angry and why I am so angry…” she paused and started to scrub Midnight’s saddle. She flipped her long dark hair back and sighed.

Katy seemed to underestimate what Lucinda was saying. Katy also paused as she took Mystic’s saddle off from the racks. “Yeah. Well, I do not think I really do care, do I? I mean, yeah I am really angry but right now I’m not in the mood to be angry. I mean, c’mon, there is a Grand Pix competition coming along. I just don’t get why you have to keep kissing Cassie’s butt all the time when it really is none of your business!” said Katy so loudly that, she didn’t know that Cassie was right behind them, standing near the tack room door. Cassie was almost to yell in rage but she didn’t. As quietly as she could, Cassie stepped out of the tack room and went outside near the Pasture Gate, where Katy’s horse, Mystic was. Ah! The champion that Katy is always talking about plus she is going to use HIM in the Grand Pix today! Cassie laughed a sinister laugh then flipped back her red hair. Mystic tried to free himself from the fence but Cassie was in grip of him. Then, she took out some small poison grains from her riding tee shirt pocket. She held them out for Mystic to eat. Mystic ate them so greedily that Cassie couldn’t stop grinning. “Ha, ha Katy you totally deserve this! When Mystic jumps the fences at the Grand Pix today, he will be so freaked out and uncomfy, that he will go crazy and let’s see how YOU like it, Katy!” whispered Cassie as she headed back to the Tack Room to get Boudicca’s tack. Lucinda and Katy have separated from getting tack and they both went to tack up their horses. At eleven thirty, it was time for the Grand Pix.

Chapter Six

“Shhhh! Quickly! Get into your spots! Number 355, Katy and Mystic! Number 99! Lucinda! Midnight! Number 101, Cassie! Boudicca? What is taking you so long?” it was only about seventeen minutes until the Grand Pix and Jade was practically having a hard attack. All of the riders that got in were lined up in their order at the sideline rails. It was like a soccer game, where the seats were all up and everything. People were everywhere, leaning over the seats, on the sidelines-about to watch the Grand Pix for the mid-term. The order of riders competing was, first was Cassie and Boudicca-Cassie had forced her mother to come over the stables at six in the morning, as the snobby girl that she was to tie Boudicca’s soft bay mane in braids and stick green ribbons as well. Boudicca’s tail was also brushed. Next in line were Katy and Mystic. Katy had brushed Mystic’s light gray flowing tail neatly and also brushed out her mane. She didn’t put any accessories as she could not afford them but she did tie Mystic’s mane and tail in braids. It took an awfully long time. Next was Lucinda and Midnight. Lucinda had curried combed Midnight and brushed his mane and tail but she hadn’t braided them or anything. Midnight’s mane and tail were flowing but not fancy. Katy thought Lucinda was a shame to her own horse. Well at least she should decorate Midnight to win some points! Katy huffed in disbelief. The announcers over the speakers were introducing everyone to the Grand Pix. It usually took about 20 minutes so Jade went over to all her students to tell them some useful tips before performing in the show-jumping course. “Okay, here’s the thing: Ur, Katy, make sure Mystic is calm and gentle over the jumps. You’ve got to be calm and gentle to make him calm and gentle; Lucinda, make sure Midnight takes the right turn and also make sure that he goes easy with those jumps; Cassie; think! Okay, the announcer has finished! Go, Cassie!” hissed Jade. Cassie and Boudicca entered the arena arcade. Cassie rounded up Boudicca in the first few jumps. The crowd cheered. Boudicca jumped the first three fences but then knocked over the second row of fences with thirteen faults. She came back to the rails with a slight nervous face as Katy entered the arena. Katy had wondered why but then shrugged. Who cares? Katy and Mystic rounded up the first few fences quite well-but then-disaster! At the last 1 meter solid fence, Mystic completely lost his nerve-he started rearing and bucking soon; then, Katy was flying over his head and landed flat on the ground.

Chapter Seven

“Is she breathing? Is she still alive?” those words crowded around Katy as she lay dead still on the hard, floor. Mystic was rearing and going crazy. Jade went to the rescue and calmed Mystic down. Cassie and a few other students like Lucinda and Tommy were all outside of the arena, looking in shock, all except for Cassie, who was hiding a sly smile. And, of course, a sly, happy scowl. It lasted quite long when, Jade had to call the ambulance and she also had to call the farrier and vet since Mystic’s hooves were a mess right in the middle of the center. There were so many rusty things on it. And most of all, there was even a hot top spot in it that made it all fluffy and poufy. The most disgusting thing about in the center. Of course, she had no intention in touching it but it was disgusting, as Jade thought she needed to call the farrier. “Is she breathing? Is she still alive?” those words crowded around Katy as she lay dead still on the hard, floor. Mystic was rearing and going crazy. Jade went to the rescue and calmed Mystic down. Cassie and a few other students like Lucinda and Tommy were all outside of the arena, looking in shock, all except for Cassie, who was hiding a sly smile. And, of course, a sly, happy scowl. It lasted quite long when, Jade had to call the ambulance and she also had to call the farrier and vet since Mystic’s hooves were a mess right in the middle of the center. There were so many rusty things on it. And most of all, there was even a hot top spot in it that made it all fluffy and poufy. The most disgusting thing about in the center. Of course, she had no intention in touching it but it was disgusting, as Jade thought she needed to call the farrier. And, of course, a sly, happy scowl. It lasted quite long when, Jade had to call the ambulance and she also had to call the farrier and vet since Mystic’s hooves were a mess right in the middle of the center. There were so many rusty things on it. And most of all, there was even a hot top spot in it that made it all fluffy and poufy. The most disgusting thing about in the center. Of course, she had no intention in touching it but it was disgusting, as Jade thought she needed to call the farrier. Mystic’s hooves were a mess right in the middle of the center. There were so many rusty things on it. And most of all, there was even a hot top spot in it that made it all fluffy and poufy. The most disgusting thing about in the center. Of course, she had no intention in touching it but it was disgusting, as Jade thought she needed to call the farrier. . And, of course, a sly, happy scowl. It lasted quite long when, Jade had to call the ambulance and she also had to call the farrier and vet since Mystic’s hooves were a mess right in the middle of the center. There were so many rusty things on it. And most of all, there was even a hot top spot in it that made it all fluffy and poufy. The most disgusting thing about in the center. Of course, she had no intention in touching it but it was disgusting, as Jade thought she needed to call the farrier. And as the hooves were all rusty and dirty, jade thought that they have never had seen such dirty

When they called up the farrier, Mystical Blue was lying on the arena floor and Katy was taken to hospital. And then she went to hospital without a second thought.

When they called up the farrier, Mystical Blue was lying on the arena floor and Katy was taken to hospital. And then she went to hospital without a second thought.

There are so many ways to love him. Cassie and a few other students like Lucinda and Tommy were all outside of the arena, looking in shock, all except for Cassie, who was hiding a sly smile. And, of course, a sly, happy scowl. It lasted quite long when, Jade had to call the ambulance and she also had to call the farrier and vet since Mystic’s hooves were a mess right in the middle of the center. There were so many rusty things on it. And most of all, there was even a hot top spot in it that made it all fluffy and poufy. The most disgusting thing about in the center. Of course, she had no intention in touching it but it was disgusting, as Jade thought she needed to call the farrier. And, of course, a sly, happy scowl. It lasted quite long when, Jade had to call the ambulance and she also had to call the farrier and vet since Mystic’s hooves were a mess right in the middle of the center. There were so many rusty things on it. And most of all, there was even a hot top spot in it that made it all fluffy and poufy. The most disgusting thing about in the center. As she did it. And she jumped, definitely.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

About Horses 2011

Hello there! It’s Christine Kat Wang here! :) Welcome to Horsey-Stuff-For-Girls.com!!!

Hey, horses rule! =D

Here are some juicy facts about them:

The horse ]is a hooved  mammal, a subspecies of the family Equidae. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature into the large, single-toed animal of today. Humans began to domesticate horses around 4000 BC, and their domestication is believed to have been widespread by 3000 BC. Horses' anatomy enables them to make use of speed to escape predators and they have a well-developed sense of balance and a strong fight-or-flight instinct. Related to this need to flee from predators in the wild is an unusual trait: horses are able to sleep both standing up and lying down. Female horses, called mares, carry their young for approximately 11 months, and a young horse, called a foal, can stand and run shortly following birth. Most domesticated horses begin training under saddle or in harness between the ages of two and four. They reach full adult development by age five, and have an average lifespan of between 25 and 30 years.

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Horse breeds are loosely divided into three categories based on general temperament: spirited "hot bloods" with speed and endurance; "cold bloods", such as draft horses and some ponies, suitable for slow, heavy work; and "warmbloods", developed from crosses between hot bloods and cold bloods, often focusing on creating breeds for specific riding purposes, particularly in Europe. There are over 300 breeds of horses in the world today, developed for many different uses.

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Horses and humans interact in a wide variety of sport competitions and non-competitive recreational pursuits, as well as in working activities such as police work, agriculture, entertainment, and therapy. Horses were historically used in warfare, from which a wide variety of riding and driving techniques developed, using many different styles of equipment and methods of control. Many products are derived from horses, including meat, milk, hide, hair, bone, and pharmaceuticals extracted from the urine of pregnant mares. Humans provide domesticated horses with food, water and shelter, as well as attention from specialists such as veterinarians and farriers.


This is me and Yogi. He is not chubby like dumb people think he is. He’s just a big horse. 18.l Hands approximately.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

~23/04/11~Sugarloaf Horse Center

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This is Hazel

I rode him today on an hour trail ride :)

He listened to me, and reponsed well

He’s a great horse to ride and canters really good.

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This  is Blaze

He is a slug

No, no offence but he’s really slow.

He’s a beginner’s horse

I rode him once

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This is Snoopy

His fur is curly and soft

He is really cute.

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This is Yogi

He is a gentle horse

He lets you pat him

He’s a good horse

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Horse Riding Lesson Next Saturday :)

Yay! Guess what? I’m going to my horse riding lesson next Saturday! Yay!!! I’m soooo happy!!! La, la, la, la!!! I can hardly wait!
P.S: Please email me to find out more information about horses/my horsey life!




I forgot my other email accounts cos they were for organizations or something.


Friday, April 8, 2011

My Life is Actually Pretty Busy! :/

So it has been a long time since I have wrote on this blog :/ I have been really busy in real life! To keep you back on track, here are a few things you need to know about me…?

1. My name is Christine but you may call me Chrissy.

2. I’m between 8-11 years old.

3. I LOVE animals.

4. I am a vegetarian.

5. I have a cat called Balina.

6. I ride at Sugarloaf Horse Center in Campbell town.


More about me soon :)

My retirement is pretty serious. I am taking a break from this website.

Bye, bye and see you all soon! xD

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Today, we did go to Sugarloaf Horse Center. I didn’t ride Snoopy, or Wilma :( It was Blaze. Here is a pic…DSCF2395 He did seem beautiful, but really, I could take chances. DSCF2402  He was a dapple grey stallion or gelding- I don’t know. As I mounted up on him, however he was sweet and stood very still. But after a while, I guess he got a bit bored so he started to churn up grass. It seemed like forever for him, to eat up the grass. DSCF2420 Once we took off, however, he was gentle and quiet but he was, like, REALLY slow. I kept lagging behind. Once we were allowed to trot, I kicked him but he wouldn’t budge. Well, I gave him another kick and he budged (FINALLY!) But not in a trot-he was still in a slow walk. DSCF2421

After that one hour trail ride (It felt like 3 years to me) I went home.

Anyway, back to our normal day!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Horsey Pics, Movies, Books

THE PHOTO GALLERY (As seen on the side XD)

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I look down from the heavens above

I already have been slaughter from these cruel people

Now they are slaughter my foal

Cruel, cruel people

in a cruel, cruel world.



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  1. Blue Fire Lady
  2. The Saddle Club Series
  3. And Many More but I don’t know :)


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There are more Pony Club Secret books by Stacy Greg too!

Keystone Stable Books:

i somehow cannot paste the images of Keystone Stable Books but they will be on the sideline gallery!